Welcome to the BioDivMeX database

BioDivMex (BioDiversity of the Mediterranean eXperiment) aims to build a trans-Mediterranean network of researchers sharing a common and interdisciplinary culture for a new understanding of the role of biodiversity in human-environment relations and to identify the state of knowledge and the obstacles to understanding specificities of Mediterranean biodiversity. The main objective of this programme is to assess linkages between historical, biological, ecological and social processes which act jointly on Mediterranean biodiversity and the role of biodiversity for societies and the functioning of ecosystems.
This vision can be summarized in these two general objectives:
“Develop our understanding of the interactions between historical, biological, ecological and social processes which have contributed to Mediterranean biodiversity and current effects of globalization on biodiversity and related human practices ( agricultural systems, food etc.)
Refine our understanding of Mediterranean biodiversity in Human-Environment relations, taking into account the diversity of spatio-temporal contexts”.
The main themes are
THEME 1: The biodiversity of poorly understood environments that are highly constrained by abiotic factors and biotic interactions.
THEME 2: Biodiversity in socio-ecological systems (SSES) having evolved historically and in current anthropicized landscapes.
Our specific objectives are to:
- Improve our knowledge of the functioning of ecosystems and the evolutionary processes of biodiversity.
- Explore the vulnerability and resilience of Mediterranean ecosystems and a groecosystems.
- Establish an international network that works on the state of the art, important issues and a better understanding of the specificities of Mediterranean biodiversity.
- Work with local stakeholders to explore innovative management methods.
- Develop new forms of learning involving interdisciplinary approaches and the diversity of knowledge systems (scientists, locals and citizens).
- Promote the training of young researchers in order to develop future research on Mediterranean Biodiversity.
For more information:
BioDivMex Co-Directors:
Virginie BALDY (AMU-IMBE, Marseille)